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Method validation for simultaneous quantification of whey proteins in dietary supplements by HPLC

Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc Mac Thi Thanh Hoa Vu Thi Thanh An Pham Thi Thanh Ha Cao Cong Khanh Le Thi Hong Hao
Received: 17 Dec 2018
Revised: 21 Jan 2019
Accepted: 28 Jan 2019
Published: 28 Feb 2019

Article Details

How to Cite
Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc, Mac Thi Thanh Hoa, Vu Thi Thanh An, Pham Thi Thanh Ha, Cao Cong Khanh, Le Thi Hong Hao. "Method validation for simultaneous quantification of whey proteins in dietary supplements by HPLC". Vietnam Journal of Food Control. vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 32-38, 2019

Main Article Content


A HPLC method has been validated for simultaneous determination of Alpha-lactalbumin (α- LA) and Beta- lactoglobulin (β-LG) contents in dietary supplements by HPLC-PDA. The method was carried out in C18 column with a gradient of 0.1% TFA/ water – 0.1% TFA/ acetonitrile as mobile phase. The proteins were detected at 215 nm wavelength within 50 minutes. The method was validated in specificity, linearity, precision and accuracy; and then was applied to analyze several random dietary supplements.


Alpha-lactalbumin (α-LA), Beta-lactoglobulin (β-LG), whey, whey protein, dietary supplement, HPLC, PDA


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