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Author Guidelines - Vietnam Journal of Food Control (VJFC)

1. General Information and Scopes

The Vietnam Journal of Food Control (VJFC) is an official research journal of the National Institute for Food Control, Viet Nam, which was established under the publication license No. 644/GP-BTTT dated December 25, 2017. Its ISSN codes are 2615-9252 (Print version) and 2734-9152 (Electronic version).

The VJFC has been accepted by the State Council for Professorship to be in the List of indexed journals of Pharmacy, Chemistry - Food Technology, and Biology Council since 2020.

The Journal publishes four issues annually, containing two issues in English and two in Vietnamese. The scope of VJFC includes Research Articles, Reviews, and Short Communications. It covers the following specific areas:

  • Food Quality and Safety Testing Methods;
  • Food Toxicology;
  • Food Poisoning and Foodborne Diseases;
  • Risk assessment of the Chemicals and Biological Hazards in Food;
  • Risk Management and Risk Communication;
  • Quality Control of Testing Results;
  • Food Technologies;
  • Food Quality Control and Assurance;
  • Other Food and Food Safety Related Issues.

2.  Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript is typed in Unicode font, Times New Roman typeface, 12 pt font size (except Title 14 pt font size). Articles on A4 size paper; Align: Top 2.0 cm, bottom 2.0 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.0 cm; 1 cm first line; 1.5 line spacing, paragraph spacing before 0 pt, after 0 pt.

  • Reviews: The review deals with topics of interest in a specific area, including author opinions and discussions. The review begins with the Introduction section, the following sections are numbered consecutively, and end with the Conclusion section.
  • Scientific articles and short communications: Authors should be responsible that the content has not been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Template for a scientific article is available.
    • Title: Short, suitable for the research content;
    • Full name of the author and their affiliations: The authors' order (if more than one) is arranged according to their contribution to the work. Corresponding authors must provide a mobile phone number and an email address at the bottom of the page (created with "footnotes" of Microsoft Word);
    • Summary: in the same language as the manuscript, about 150-200 words;
    • Keywords: about 5 words;
    • Main Text: 1. Introduction; 2. Materials and Methods; 3. Results and Discussion; 4. Conclusion. Subsections are numbered 2.1, 2.2 ...;
    • Tables and Figures are numbered consecutively and should be placed at the appropriate position in the Main Text.
    • Acknowledgments: (if any);
    • References (see Section 3 for detailed instructions);
    • Title, Authors, Affiliations, Summary, and Keywords: in Vietnamese (if the manuscript is in English) or vice versa. The Editorial Board will translate to Vietnamese in case the authors could not.

3.  Reference Guidelines

3.1. Citation Style

- References are cited referred to the IEEE style. Authors are encouraged to use automated citation using MS Word (from Office 2007 or later version), or other citation software such as Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley, etc.

- The basic principle of a citation is as follows:

+ Cited references (articles, reports, books) by numbers enclosed in square brackets. The reference number is the order of the appearance of that document in the paper.

+ The list of references at the end of the document is arranged according to the ordinal number of the references noted in the text.

- Some specifications cited in the document:

+ The references quoted, then quoted again retain the ordinal number used for the first time.

+ The numerical index of the source of the references is enclosed in two square brackets, if it is at the end of the sentence, before the punctuation, for example: [1].

+ When citing two or more references, separate them by commas, for example: [2, 10]. For many documents in a row, use a hyphen between the first and last references, for example: [2-5].

3.2. List of References

3.2.1. Principles in writing the authors’ names

The authors' names are recorded on the following principles:

+ For authors’ names on international publications: the initial letters of the first name and middle name with punctuation; author's last name in full, for example, Steven Lehotay will be listed as S. Lehotay.

+ For Vietnamese authors on domestic publications: Write full name, for example, Tran Van Son

+ In the case of two authors, write both names with the connecting words "and"; from three to five authors, the word “and” is only used once, before the name of the last author; From six authors or more, only write the names of the first 3 authors and et al.

3.2.2. Types of references


 [#] Author(s), Title, Edition (if not the first), Vol. (If a multivolume work). Place of publication: Publisher, Year, page number (s) (if appropriate).

For example:

[1] R. A. Pastorok, S. M. Bartell, S. Ferson, and L. R. Ginzburg, Ecological modeling in risk assessment: chemical effects on historic, ecosystems, and landscapes. CRC Press, 2016.

Book Chapters

[#] Authors of Chapter, "Title of Chapter," in Title of Book, Edition, Vol., Editor, Place of publication: Publisher, Year, page.

Scientific Articles:

[#] Author (s), "Title of paper," Journal name, vol., No., Page, Year.

For example:

[1] A. Panusa, M. Orioli, G. Aldini, and M. Carini, "A rapid and sensitive LC-ESI-MS / MS method for detection and quantitation of methylprednisolone and methylprednisolone acetate in rat plasma after intra-articular administration,” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 691-697, 2010.

Conference proceeding papers

 [#] Author(s), "Title of paper," Title of conference’s proceeding, place of organization, time of organization, Place of Publication: Publisher, year, page.

For example:

[1] Tran Cao Son, Le Thi Hong Hao, and Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, "Determination of pesticide multi-residues in herbal teas using QuEChERS extraction followed by gas and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry," Conference Proceeding - The 4th analytical Vietnam Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, 2015, Hanoi: Vietnam Analytical Sciences Society (VASS), 2015, pp. 196-203.

Theses and dissertations

[#] Author, "Title of thesis," Doctoral dissertation / Master's thesis, Institution, Location, year of preparation of the thesis.

For example:

[1] Nguyen Thi Giang, "Research and quantitative assessment of the risk of food poisoning by S. aureus at the collective kitchen of some primary schools in Hanoi," Doctor of Science Thesis, University Natural Sciences, Hanoi National University, 2019.

Internet documents

 [#] Author (s), "Title of the document," Time document created or revised. [Online]. Available: http: // www. [Accessed date / month / year].

For example:

[#] Cục An toàn thực phẩm, “Thông tin cảnh báo từ Singapore về sản phẩm thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe IMPACTRA có chứa sildenafil, tadalafil và chloropretadalafil”. [Trực tuyến]. Địa chỉ: http://vfa.gov.vn/tin-tuc/thong-tin-canh-bao-tu-singapore-ve-san-pham-thuc-pham-bao-ve-suc-khoe-impactra-co-chua-sildenafil-tadalafil-va-chloropretadalafil.html [Truy cập 30/3/2020].

3.3. Arranging the reference list

The references are arranged in ascending order, according to the ordinal numbers that appear in the text.

4. Manuscript submission

The Journal encourages authors to submit the manuscripts online via http://vjfc.nifc.gov.vn/; otherwise, the authors can send the manuscripts via email to the Editorial Office.  

5. Review

Submitted manuscripts to the VJFC will be reviewed by at least two scientists whose specialized fields are the same as or closely related to the content of the article and the manuscripts are corrected in detail before it can be accepted for publication.

6. Translation service

VJFC offers experts help in translating the manuscript into English. Please contact the Journal’s Editorial Office for further information.

7. Editorial Office

Vietnam Journal of Food Control (VJFC)National Institute for Food Control

Address: 65 Pham Than Duat Street, Mai Dich Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

Phone: 024. 39335735; Fax: 024.39335738

Secretary: MSc. Vu Ngoc Tu tapchikntp.nifc@gmail.com or vjfc@nifc.gov.vn

Editor in chief: Dr. Tran Cao Son sontc@nifc.gov.vn

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