Vitamins are essential nutrients commonly found in food products in general and health supplements in particular. In order to accurately evaluate product quality, laboratories need to use reference material in analysis, proficiency assessment, method validation and ensure the validity of the results. The use of reference materials plays an important role in the quality control of test results and is a mandatory requirement for laboratories wishing to demonstrate appropriate competence as required by ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The need to provide reference materials for laboratories is huge. However, at present, there are very few domestic organizations that can produce reference materials, while the cost of buying reference materials from reputable firms in the world is expensive. In this study, we introduced the procedure and production reference materials for the analysis of B-group vitamins (B1, B2, B6). These reference materials were evaluated for homogeneity and stability in 322 days. The certified values are consistent with the concentrations of substances present in normal samples in practice. The measurement uncertainty ranges from 14.5 - 23.3 %. The reference materials can be used for internal quality control for domestic laboratories and is also a premise for further research on standard samples with different matrix and analytical criteria.
Reference material, reference material production, vitamin B1, B2, B6, health supplement food
[1]. ISO 17034:2016 General requirements for the competence of reference material producers
[2]. TCVN ISO/IEC 17025:2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
[3]. QCVN 12-1:2011/BYT National technical regulation on safety and hygiene for synthetic plastic packaging and tools in direct contact with food.
[4]. ISO Guide 80:2014, Guidance for the in-house preparation of quality control materials (QCMs).
[5]. FAO/WHO expert consultation on human vitamin and mineral requirements, Chapter 3, Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid and biotin, 27-44.
[6]. Circular No. 43/2014/TT-BYT dated November 24, 2014, of the Ministry of Health regulating the management of functional foods.
[7]. ISO Guide 35:2017. Reference materials - Guidance for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability.
[8]. ISO/IEC 13528:2015 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons (second edition 2015-08-01, corrected version 2016-10-15).