Bìa tạp chí



Study on simultaneous determination of OCPs, PCBs and PBDEs in fish sample: application for marine fish tissues collected from Hai Phong province

Le Minh Thuy Dam Duc Anh Nguyen Thi Huong Vu Khanh Hoa Do Thi Thu Huong Pham Thi Loan Ha Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen Chu Dinh Binh Vu Duc Nam
Received: 20 Sep 2023
Revised: 30 Oct 2023
Accepted: 30 Oct 2023
Published: 29 Dec 2023

Article Details

How to Cite
Le Minh Thuy, Dam Duc Anh, Nguyen Thi Huong, Vu Khanh Hoa, Do Thi Thu Huong, Pham Thi Loan Ha, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Chu Dinh Binh, Vu Duc Nam. "Study on simultaneous determination of OCPs, PCBs and PBDEs in fish sample: application for marine fish tissues collected from Hai Phong province". Vietnam Journal of Food Control. vol. 6, no. 4 (en), pp. 366-379, 2023

Main Article Content


In this work, a GC-MS/MS-based analytical method using accelerated solvent extraction combined with multi-layer silica gel column for sample preparation was developed to simultaneously determine 20 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), 28 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 8 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish tissue. The method detection limits (MDLs) were achieved in the range of 0.053 ng/g (α-chlordane) – 1.65 ng/g (δ-BHC), 0.07 ng/g (PCB-209) – 1.84 ng/g (PCB-28), 0.323 ng/g (BDE-209) – 0.796 ng/g (BDE-47) for OCPs, PCBs and PBDEs, respectively. Intra-day and inter-day repeatability of the analytical signal (peak area) were below 10.5% and 12.4%, correspondingly. The overall recovery was investigated by spiking experiments and ranged from 70.9 to 114%. The confirmation of this developed method was assessed by analysis of the standard reference material (SRM-1947) sample. The measured concentrations of target compounds were within the range of the certified values. This developed method was applied for analysis of OCPs, PCBs and PBDEs in five fish tissues collected randomly from local markets at Hai Phong province. Their concentrations (<MDL – 206 ng/g for OCPs, <MDL – 20.7 ng/g for PCBs and <MDL – 66.7 ng/g for PBDEs) were lower than the maximum residue levels permitted by European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization.


OCPs, PCBs, PBDEs, GC-MS/MS, fish tissue


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