Guideline for editors
Our Editors who are invited by Editor-in-chief are experts in the same field of the submitted manuscript. Editors are responsible for the peer-review process and the content of the journal. See our Editor Responsibilities in the Journal Policies for further information. This document provides some guidelines for the editorial process.
Manuscripts are handled using the Vietnam Journal of Food Control online system. An email is automatically sent to the editors when they are invited to handle new manuscripts. The email provides information on the title, authors, and abstract of the manuscript.
+ If the Editors find any conflict of interest or the field of the manuscript is too far from their expertise, the Editors can decline to handle the manuscript.
+ When the Editors accept the invitation email; the email links to our online system; the new manuscript appears in Pending assignments in the Editor section.
1. General Evaluation
Editors generally assess the manuscript and check the similarity. The manuscript can be rejected if:
- The research topic is not relevant to our journal‘s scopes.
- The manuscript fails the technical screening: suggested elements of plagiarism, key elements are missing such as title, table, figure,…The manuscript doesn’t conform to the journal’s Author Guidelines
- The research topic is not of great enough significance.
2. Inviting Reviewers
Editors should invite at least two reviewers to assess the manuscript based on the following criteria:
- The Reviewers should not work at the same organization as the Authors, or have any potential conflict of interest.
- The Reviewers should be experts in the research field of the study.
3. Making the Decision
After receiving reports from reviewers, Editors send them along with their own recommendations to the Authors. The Authors make a revision, where appropriate, and send the revised manuscript to the Journal within 2 - 4 weeks. If the Authors do not meet the deadline, they can propose an extension. In this case, the Editor may suggest a rejection, otherwise, the review process will be continued until it is accepted or rejected.
Publication in Vietnam Journal of Food Control should be:
Relevant to our journal‘s scopes
- Scientifically valid: adhere to widely accepted research standards
- Technically accurate: provide accurate data and results
- Innovation, specific advance: worth to publish
Editors decide whether the manuscript is accepted for publication, minor revision, major revision, or not accepted for publication based on reviewers’ recommendation and their own views. If there is any conflict between the conclusion of reviewers or editor, the decision of the Editor-in-chief is the final one.
When the editorial process is complete the paper appears in the Complete assignments in the Editor section of the online system.